I am truly blessed... The Lord has always looked out for me because He knows I need good friends and no matter where I find myself, I always have good friends... Not just good friends either, but the kind of friends that I learn things from or the kind that help me grow into a better person because I know them... I have this picture frame that had hung in all of my rooms since I've moved out of my parent's house and I always change out the pictures in it (there are like 28 picture spaces)... the people in that frame are people who I have been blessed with in this life that have greatly impacted me...
When I first moved to Apopka, I had a really hard time getting over my move... I knew it was what the Lord wanted me to do, and because I knew that I also knew that He would help me get over the hump and adjust to a new life... I've only been here for a couple of months now, but I have made some quality friends now that I can't imagine being without...
We all know about Jess Oveson by now (I think the consecutive blog entries about here were just a clue!) but she really was a huge factor in getting out of my slump from the move... Then we have Alyssa Coles... she immediately made me feel at home here and we connected! I'm so grateful for her because she lets me be me around her plus I love that we can be insanely honest with each other and not think anything of it (for example: I texted her the other day informing her that my boobs hurt, no "Hi" or "Hello!", but "my boobs hurt," to which she replied, "mine too," not a "wow, you're weird.") I love her! Alyssa also introduced me to Morgan Coles, her older sister... Morgan was always more than willing to help me with rides while I didn't have my car... she is fabulous and one of the least judgmental people I know... she is beautiful and smart and always full of great advice... Emily Beecher is like my soul mate (not in a fall in love way, but in a our souls are similar way)... she is like my little guardian angel and is one of the sweetest people I know... she understands me and supports my decisions and is more than willing to always help me... She is amazing, and any guy would be lucky to have her in his life!

Basically, I know that the Lord has sent me these angels... I don't know if these girls will ever read this, but I want them to know that they have saved me and changed my life... I am grateful to the Lord for blessing me with them and not leaving me alone... I know I am never alone, but its nice to have people right there beside you... thanks girls, for being my angels!