A direct quote from Ben's boss Geoff, who I hope to work for!:
"Why can't more girls be like you?!"
I know that you all are thinking, "This is so true! Kaylee is amazing and wonderful and I want to be exactly like her!," but it's not what you're thinking. I went to go meet Ben at his office for lunch yesterday and while I was waiting somehow Geoff and I started talking about marriage. Geoff was telling me that marriage isn't, "Okay, lets go get hitched!," it's really, "Holy crap, I have to buy a ring and a honeymoon!" I told Geoff that if Ben and I get married, he's totally lucking out because I have decided that I want a pearl wedding ring (a fraction of the cost of a diamond and it's more "me" AND no other girl I know will have one!) and I'm the only girl I know that spends most of her time looking for the most amazing travel deals even though she has no money to spend. Thats where Geoff said, "Why can't more girls be like you?"
April and I were looking online to see what a pearl wedding ring would even look like (I'm silly and yes, us girls always look at crap like that). We ended up finding this website etsy.com *WARNING!* If you go to this site, you will become addicted and possible send all of your life savings, like me! Its this site were people have their own online shops to sell home made stuff... well I found my wedding ring, and its a whopping $40! Granted, it's not real, but I highly doubt that the real version of it would break the bank. Plus it could totally be my something blue right?