Sunday, November 7, 2010

First Things First

As the title says...

First: I went on private because I have had a private blog that I was using as a journal. The posts were emails that Amanda Knowles and I had been sending back and forth a couple of times a week and had personal and intimate things in them. Well said blog was somehow discovered by someone at work who showed it to my boss and they tried using it as a mechanism worth firing me over. I deleted it and made everything else ubber private in my life, so now they can't. Problem solved.

Second: I had a pumpkin carving party the second to last Saturday in October with mine and Ben's families. It was a lot of fun and everyone got pretty creative with their carving skills; there were even power tools, wire, and Mr. Potato Head pieces being used. The night ended on a not so great note however. My friend and ex co-worker, April, and her boyfriend, Phil, came over to join in on the festivities. Well once our families left, Phil and Ben decided to go on a motorcycle ride. Long story short, Phil couldn't make a turn on the bike and laid it down going close to 45 mph. Luckily he jumped off the bike as it went off the road. He didn't have a helmet on and only suffered a compound fracture of his tibia and fibula and a broken collar bone. They were pretty serious injuries (hello! his bones were sticking out of his leg!!!), but it was a pretty awesome trade for what could have happened.

Third: I had a costume party on the Saturday before Halloween (I know, two parties in a row; I must be a party animal!). Ben and I dressed as Margot and Ritchie Tenenbaum. No one knew who we were. I didn't really care, but it did suck when I looked pretty lame compared to all the other girl's cute and flirty costumes. Oh well! At the end of that party, we all headed out to the mud hole at like midnight. Thank goodness there were no injuries this time!

I'm not quite sure what else to write. I know I'm forgetting something. Oh well... Oh! I have all A's in my classes as of midterms, so yeah! Eat that FSU!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun and I'm so proud of your grades sweat pea! I think instead of telling FSU to get something to eat you should have someone fix a nice big celebratory meal for you. I knew you could do it and will do it!!! I love ya KK!


Thanks for the comment you sweet person you! If it is a question or something for me to reply to, check back here as I tend to answer through the comments. I appreciate all the love!

Love Kaylee


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