Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Book Club Review: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Oh hey there lovely people whom I adore etc. etc. It's that time of the month where we all gather round and discuss the written word. 
 Grab a button and link up! 
This month was "The Perks of Being a Wallflower."
Now, to start off being honest, I didn't read the book.
BECAUSE we had this awesome gchat the other night with other book clubbers and discussed the book. Since I love spoilers and already read a ton of reviews, I decided that I was okay with not spending my entire weekend reading the book so that I could post today. Instead I went and saw the movie last night. It was good. Probably way better than the book as far as I can tell with everyone's reviews. 
This is what I think coincides:
It was way too much for YA Fiction. There is no way I believe that this could have happened to a freshman in high school. And honestly, if it did, I would be so worried for this kid! I guess we do worry for Charlie the entire time. At least in the movie, you get many more opportunities to root for Charlie. You constantly want this all to work out. And much like (from what I hear) in the book, you get this INSANE abrupt ending that just throws you for a loop. Aunt Helen? Seriously? In the movie, she is so very rarely referenced that you are almost confused by the ending because you're like, "wait, what? Who is that? She did what? I'm confused." 
Anyhoo, since Chbosky wrote the screenplay and directed the movie, I felt like I wasn't cheating too much. 
Basically, I would normally say whether or not I would have bought the book or not. In this case I obviously didn't sooooooo, but I would say see the movie. It wasn't too bad; just totally marketed towards the wrong age group.
So for November, we are going to be taking suggestions for the genre of mystery/crime! 
Put your suggestions here:

Also, if you want to be added to the email update list, please leave your email in the comments or email it to me at BrightandBeautifulBlog@gmail.com 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

I Got Nominated.... Again

So I was nominated for the Liebster Award again, but this time by Kat at Espresso Yourself.
Here is the lo-down:
I tell you 11 random facts.
I answer 11 questions from Kat.
I nominate 11 other bloggers (under 200 followers) and give them 11 questions (I'm only doing 5).

I figured it would be a good way to catch up with myself and give my new readers a chance to get to know me better.

Here it goes:

Random Facts: 
1. I'm eating black beans and rice. Right now.
2. I've read four holocaust/WWII books in the last 6 weeks.
3. I'm obsessed with October. It's my favorite month, mostly because of Halloween.
4. I've skinned an entire gator.
5. I've been super lazy with blogging lately and am trying to find my groove back.
6. I recently did a 1 1/2 minute rendition of Hocus Pocus (I'm the one on the left).
7. I am having a really hard time coming up with 4 more facts.
8. I freak out over spiders. I mean, like, FREAK-the-heck-OUT.
9.  I'm a huge movie/book/music buff and am always game for new suggestions. 
10. My husband is constantly censoring and asking me to take things off the internet because I have NO problems with sharing anything and everything. He has to remind me that most of the time it's not appropriate.
11. Oh yeah, and I have been married to this guy for almost 6 months! CRAZY!

Kat's Questions:
1. If you could quite your job and do any job in the world regardless of how much it paid, what would you do and why?
I think I would teach Kindergarten. I've always wanted to teach, but just never went down that track. Or I would be a tour guide. I just think it would be awesome to inspire little kids (or teach them to just tie their shoes) and to travel the world.
2. When you were little and thought about being a grownup, did you ever think it would turn out the way it did?
Um, nope. Well, kind of. I always thought I would be married, which I am, and happy, which I am. But I am not a pediatrician like I thought I would and I am not taller like I wanted to be.
3. What is your favorite non-blog website that you check on each day?
Good question. Um besides my email??? I guess I really don't. I've kind of been internet AWOL lately. Got any good websites to recommend?
4. Did you go to college? What did you go for?
I did. I went to Florida State University for two year and now I'm finishing up my paralegal degrees at Valencia College in Orlando.
5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Good questions, because I have lots, but I cannot think of one off of the top of my head. Probably excuses. They are so transparent and easy to see. Also, bad grammar (which I probably have tons of).
6. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
I am a dog person for sure, even though I don't have any pets. I think I would be a cat person as well if I weren't allergic.
7. If you had to choose between celebrating Thanksgiving without the big parade and dinner or Halloween without dressing up and eating candy, which would you choose?
Um, definitely Halloween. Hands down. Every time.
8. What is your ideal way to spend Sunday?
Church in the morning, nap with the King (hubby) and watching movies all afternoon/evening.
9. If you could choose between having a better boss or having an assistant to help you do your work, who would you choose?
I have a great new boss and I don't have a ton of work to do, so I think I'm all good. But in previous jobs, it was always having a better boss.
10. Did you jump on the pinterest bandwagon? And if you did, link your favorite pin.
Yes I did. In fact, I was there before it got so dang big.
Trust me, it's good.
11. Is there another blogger I should be following? Why?
I have two: OliviaMoone and To Fetch a Pail of Water. They are both two good girlfriends of mine and I adore them! One is adventure and the other fashion. Oh, and because I designed them both.

My Nominees:
1. OliviaMoone
2. To Fetch A Pail of Water
3. Mac-N-Me
4. Pink Bambina
5. This Radiant Life

Their Questions:
1. What is your favorite book?
2. What is one thing you totally regret?
3. What is one thing you never want to forget?
4. Where would you be right now if you could?
5. What is your happy place?
6. Have you ever cried over split milk? Or anything else that you later thought was silly?
7. Favorite blog and why?
8. What would you eat for your last meal?
9. You're stranded on an island. You can bring one celeb, one food item, one song to listen to and one other random item.... go! oh, and why?
10. How long did it take for you to answer the last question?
11. What movie are you most excited about seeing before the year is over?

Okie Dokie!!! Hope everyone made it through that long post!
and if you happened to read "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" check back later for the link up!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

BIG Changes

In a  nutshell:

I'm no longer working at Universal Studios (sad day!).
It was my choice to leave.
I now have an amazing job back in the legal field.
And, after a week, I can truly say I LOVE it.

Soooo, before I left Universal, I brought a group of my loved ones, and we had one last hurrah in the parks:

I'm sure going to miss that place. It still makes me sad to think that I won't be studying magic at Hogwarts anymore. But, I guess everyone has to graduate sometime to practice in the real world.

Once a witch, always a witch.

Now, I get to wear this:
instead of this:
And I have time to do things like this:
Church Trunk-or-Treat

The Photo Booth at the Ward Trunk-or-Treat
Fall photo shoot with my love!
 Man, life is pretty dang good!

Well, there is the quick news on the big changes around the Kingdom.

If you're available tonight, join our ghat conversation for the book club about "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." Email me so I can add you to the chat!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh Hey There Friends

Long time no see... kind of. More like no word from me at all. Ugh, Universal had me on a never constant schedule so I was always exhausted, always tired, and never wanting to do anything but sit with my feet up.

Universal and I are on a little break right now. They have this attendance point program and I kind of blew my points. So I'm starting the appeal process to have them overturn my points, but for right now, that means I have a few days on my hands. 

I actually started looking for a new job last week. Not because I don't love working where I do, but because I needed more consistency and, well, money. I applied for this part time position for my city and I really hope I get it. So, if you believe in prayer, or what ever you believe in, please send all your good mojo my way please!

Until then, I have a bit more time to spend back with you lovely ones.

The thing is, I have NO IDEA what to start writing about.

I guess I could tell you what the King and I have been up to:

*A LOT of The Walking Dead (awesome season premiere!!!)
*Little sister's homecoming game/dance:

 *Book reading galore:
-The Book Thief
-Let's Pretend This Never Happened
-The Innocents
-The Best of Me
*and A LOT of niece playing:

Well, I guess that is it until next time. Which should be soon!

Oh, and don't forget to check out the Book Club tab. LOTS of new changes.
We're reading "The Perks of Being and Wallflower" and the link up is on the 30th. We're also doing a group video chat on the 25th. JOIN IN!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome October

via Pinterest
It's here!!!! It is finally here!!!!! OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The King and I waited up until 12:01 this morning so we could ring it in together.

This is my absolute favorite month of the year. It's fall at its best, Halloween, pumpkins, candy and tons and tons of fall leaves (well, not really here in Florida, but a girl can hope). Previous October posts here and here.

To honor the best month of the entire year, I have made a October bucket list:

1. Watch the following movies:
-The Corpse Bride
-Hocus Pocus
-The Nightmare Before Christmas
-Edward Scissorhands
-Practical Magic

2. Carve at least 2 pumpkins. Buy at least 5 mini ones and use them for decor.

3. Have a good ole sit outside on a blanket with something warm to drink (even if it is 80 degrees in Florida) at least three times.

4. Figure out what the heck the King and I will be for Halloween this year (I'm drawing a blank. Every year I have our costumes figured out well in advance. I've dropped the ball this year). 2010 and 2011 costumes here.

5. Make mini pumpkin pies.

6. Keep up the tradition of October Surprises.

What are some of your October traditions?????


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