Ok, so its Dec. 28th and its 8am... I'm dead asleep on my parents couch... then my phone rings... Its Katie! KATIE! I haven't seen her since she left to go home for Christmas break! I answer the phone and she wants to know if I mind going with her to South Carolina to pick up her boyfriend Sam for New Years... She would be there in two hours to pick me up.... I said yes and thats what started the craziest road trip of my life! We drove to Lake City to drop my car off at Tiara's sister's house and then we drove the TONS of hours to Walhulla, SC... We got there and the Dixon family was sooo awesome! Katie had to open their Christmas gift's for her and they even got me some so I didn't feel left out! We spent a couple of days there and even drove up into the Mountains so I could go play in the snow.... I had never seen it before so it was awesome!!! Then on New Years eve, we left, drove to Lake City to get my car, then drove straight to Tallahassee, got dressed and an hour later were back on the road to Panama City so we could meet up with the Rhinehart boys at Pier Park for New Years... We chilled down there and had a ton of fun! There were soooo many people and they dropped a beach ball... It was weird celebrating New Years an hour later then I ever had before... I'm used to watching the New Year change with those who are in New York, but nope, not this year... After Pier Park, we all realized that we were starving, so at three am we went to a diner for breakfast... There was this drunk couple who sat behind us and were sooo entertaining! We spent a couple of days in Lynn Haven with the Rhineharts and then headed over to Cape San Blas to stay in Aunt Lorissa's condo (THANKS SO MUCH!) for my birthday... it was so good to just stay in the middle of no where and on the beach... We had a bonfire and just played games and watched movies.... Then the awesome year ending road trip had to end and we had to go back to Tally on my birthday... but over all it was the coolest trip ever! I loved the spontaneity of it and its a trip that I definitely will never forget!

Jay, Sam, Katie, and I out on the beach at Cape San Blas burnin our fire! I'm not too sure what Jay's doing in this picture!

We burned Jay's Christmas tree as our bonfire.... It was tight!

I took this picture of Katie and Sam... make it sepia tone and it should be a Hollister bag lol

Katie and I out on the deck at Lorissa's condo in Cape San Blas...

Katie and I waiting to watch the dolphin show at Gulf World... we knew it would be super cold out there watching the show and these were the faces we made :)


Look! Two men hugging at the beach! jk Its me and Katie in tons of Greg's jackets because it was FREEZING!

Sam, Katie and I chilling out on Panama City Beach

Greg and Jay... cutest picture of them ever! haha awwwww

Katie and I... We are the cutest ever haha... jk

OK... by far my favorite picture of the entire road trip... This girl was sad drunk, and her boyfriend who was quiet drunk, and then the man behind them who was creeper! He was smiling the entire night!

Ok, this is Jay's cousin Robbie... He wanted to go up to someone and be random... so he went to this guy and acted like he was in his 6th grade science class... HILARIOUS!

Me and Greggor after New Years...

Jay and I after New Years!

Katie was my New Year's kiss... I had no date, so she was the best backup I could find haha trust me we're not as into this kiss as it appears...

Out flashy New Years outfits.... we LOVED them...

The Road trip family on our way to Panama City from Tallahassee

The Road Trip Family on our way to Lake City from South Carolina to pick up my car from Tiara's sister's house...

Sam dozed off in the car...

Chris, Sam's older brother... he was my snow tubing buddy...

Me in the snow!!!!!!! FIRST TIME EVER!!!!!!!! I loved it!!!!!!!!!!

Katie and I at Death Valley!

Katie gave me a kiss :)

Chris was our photographer for the day at Clem"P"son

Katie and I at Clem"P"son... I love us...

I love how you can see Chris's knees in this picture...

Katie and I on the hill... I guess this is where they used to play Clemson football....

Katie got these ring in Tennessee... I loved them...

Katie and I after like 8 hours in the car...... Almost there!

The first picture of the road trip! Leaving my house in Tavares!